
About Pipe and Poof ( and Me

Hello, my name is Degananda Ferdian and welcome to where we try to solve a problem using digital pipeline. i am an IoT/IIoT enthusiast and somehow like to write and documenting stuff in my meantime.

Currently i work for an Information technology (IT) company as Digital technology consultant. I would like to share my journey and things that i’ve learned over the past of seven years (not as experienced as you, but i believe there is something that i can share).

for now, we only have one writer (which is me!)

Content Types and Key Differentiator

We’re thinking to have more structured publication by having dif ferent types of content which is linked to one series or project. There are five types of content which will be further arranged into a series (collection of several articles with various type).


Notes (code)

The bottom of layer a.k.a low level of the content. Notes will contain code or snippet which has some correlation to the main topic or subtopic or the code paradigm that need to be explained first before to be able to solve the given problem. We do have our preferences programming language such as (not limited to) NodeJS, Java and Python. But, it would really depend on the topic and subject.


Second layer of the strucutre. as the name said news is a type where we posted some news releated to the topic or subtopic from various of sources (not limited to the formal or official source such as TV or Official Newsmedia).


in current days and age, its nearly impossible (although its possbile but really rare!) to invent a new thing. Hence, we will do review over some publicly available data or information that related to the topic or subtopic. Some sources that we going to incorporate :

  1. official blog or media
  2. non official blog or media
  3. youtube video
  4. twitter / X
  5. basically anything that we can find on internet

all the url sources will always be listed on our posting.


content that will link notes, news and review into our “original” publications. it may contain

  1. solution code that will solve the issues or problem
  2. fundamental theory or methodology or best practices that used
  3. personal subjective opinion
  4. repository of the codes (yes, all the content that we published will be available on public repository). even the md(markdown itself) is accessible on github public.
  5. video, on certain occasion - we will publish a walkthrough video based on the topic or subtopic. imagine like a step by step video tutorial to solve the given problem.

Closing remarks

I hope you do enjoy our content and able to find some insight. any feedback and suggestion would be really appreciated. feel free to contact me on :

Jakarta Barat, 24 November 2024 - Indonesia.


Degananda Ferdian